
This document describes how to install Rroonga.

You can install Rroonga by RubyGems. It is the standard way for Ruby libraries.

Rroonga is depends on Groonga. So you need to install both Groonga and Rroonga. You can’t install Groonga by RubyGems because it isn’t Ruby library. But don’t worry. Rroonga provides the following options for easy to install:

  • Rroonga downloads, builds and installs Groonga automatically. You don’t need to do them explicitly.
  • Rroonga uses Groonga installed by your packaging system.

The following sections describe the above in detail.

Install with auto Groonga build

Rroonga searches Groonga on install. If Rroonga can’t find Groonga, Rroonga downloads, builds and installs Groonga automatically.

Type the following command to install Rroonga and Groonga. You don’t need to install Groonga explicitly:

% gem install rroonga

Install with Groonga package

You can use Groonga package on you packaging system instead of building Groonga by yourself. There are the following advantages for this option:

  • It reduces installation time.
  • It doesn’t fail on building Groonga.


Rroonga gem for Windows includes both pre-compiled Rroonga and Groonga in the gem. So what you need to do is you just install rroonga gem.

Type the following command on Ruby console:

> gem install rroonga

This document assumes that you’re using RubyInstaller for Windows .


There are Groonga packages for OS X environment.


If you’re using MacPorts , type the following commands on your terminal:

% sudo port install groonga
% sudo gem install rroonga


If you’re using Homebrew , type the following commands on your terminal:

% brew install groonga
% gem install rroonga

Debian GNU/Linux

You can install the Groonga package by apt. See Groonga documentation how to set apt-line up.

Type the following commands on your terminal after you finish to set apt-line up.

% sudo apt-get install -y libgroonga-dev
% sudo gem install rroonga


You can install the Groonga package by apt. See Groonga documentation how to set apt-line up.

Type the following commands on your terminal after you finish to set apt-line up.

% sudo apt-get install -y libgroonga-dev
% sudo gem install rroonga


You can install the Groonga package by yum. See Groonga documentation how to set yum repository up.

But you need to install Ruby 1.9.3 or later by yourself. Both CentOS 5 and 6 ship Ruby 1.8. Rroonga doesn’t support Ruby 1.8.

Type the following commands on your terminal after you finish to set yum repository up and installing Ruby 1.9.3 or later.

% sudo yum install groonga-devel -y
% gem install rroonga


You can install the Groonga package by yum. The Groonga package is included in the official Fedora repository.

% sudo yum install groonga-devel -y
% sudo gem install rroonga